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We're all in this together, and together we shall emerge HEALTHY and VICTORIOUS!

Our beloved professional Karaoke hosting industry has always been, and will always remain prosperous and rewarding. A source of fun, laughter and enjoyment to so many, while providing venue owners an affordable and hugely effective means of drawing countless, well paying patrons into their establishments.
Please be assured that as soon as allowed to reopen, venue owners and managers will be eagerly looking for ways to once again fill their establishments, and Karaoke entertainment may be just the ticket. Be ready to address and profit from the need! And in doing our part to help, we're temporarily slashing our prices an unprecedented 20% across the board. So don't wait, get prepared now and SAVE!

This unprecedented, once in our company's history, money saving opportunity may end at any time, SO ACT NOW!

*Subscription based services and already discounted software products excluded. This offer may end at any time without notice.




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Customer Support Center

We take great pride in offering our valued users the comfort and security in knowing that we'll be here for them when needed!
We invite you to take advantage of the following support resources available to you.

  • Built-In Help and User's Documentation:
    Most of our software products offer concise, informative and built-in Help Systems and User's Documentation, available by selecting "Help" from the Application Top Main Menu. Most questions may be answered by referencing this documentation.

  • Here you may obtain quick and concise answers to our most often asked support questions!

  • Get in-depth information related to software setup, system maintenance and configuration!

  • Sit back and watch Video Presentations describing the Setup, Configuration and Use of our award winning products!

  • Keep your Karaokeware software product running at its best by updating to the latest available software revisions!

  • E-mail support is provided free of charge to all registered users for a period of one (1) year following original purchase. Registered users must complete an on-line form that contains the information our support staff needs to solve your problems and issues effectively and efficiently. We have a Support Team standing by during regular office hours (9am to 5pm EST M-F) to assist you in a timely manner.

  • Telephone Support:
    Telephone support is provided free of charge to all registered users for a period of one (1) year following original purchase. All software support inquiries must be initiated by submitting an Online Support Form. Most support issues are answered and remedied expeditiously utilizing the online support process. If your support inquiry warrants a telephone contact we'll be happy to arrange the call free of charge. Telephone support, when deemed necessary is available M-F 11am to 3pm EST. Please reference the User's Documentation and all other available support resources before requesting a telephone contact.

  • FastTracks V2 SongBook Creator Only: FastTracks V2 SongBook Creator Serial Numbers and their associated unlock codes are unique to the computer hard drive the software is installed on. In the event you wish to move the software to another computer (installing the software on more than one computer at a time is a violation of our software user's license), or after reformatting the existing hard drive, please submit a Registration Transfer Request by CLICKING HERE.

  • Support Policies for Trial Software:
    Trial software includes email and on-line support for the duration of the trial period.

  • Support Policies for Free Software:
    Support for free software is limited to web support (FAQ and KnowledgeBase Articles) only. There is no email support available for free software.

* FREE Support Resources and Minor Program Revision Updates (Free Services) are provided as a courtesy to our valued users. Our Support Staff stands ready to assist you whenever possible, however, we reserve the right to suspend and/or revoke access to FREE Services to any user(s) that in our sole discretion violates our Intended Use Policy or exhibits offensive/rude behaviour on our public forums and/or toward our Support Staff.

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