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// Copyright (c) 2012 by Code Computerlove ( // Licensed under the MIT license // version: 3.0.5 (function (window) { // if (!Function.prototype.bind ) { Function.prototype.bind = function( obj ) { var slice = [].slice, args =, 1), self = this, nop = function () {}, bound = function () { return self.apply( this instanceof nop ? this : ( obj || {} ), args.concat( ) ); }; nop.prototype = self.prototype; bound.prototype = new nop(); return bound; }; } if (typeof window.Code === "undefined") { window.Code = {}; } window.Code.Util = { /* * Function: registerNamespace */ registerNamespace: function () { var args = arguments, obj = null, i, j, ns, nsParts, root, argsLen, nsPartsLens; for (i=0, argsLen=args.length; i Util.DOM.windowHeight()); } }; Util.Browser._detect(); } ( window, window.Code.Util )) ; // Copyright (c) 2012 by Code Computerlove ( // Licensed under the MIT license // version: 3.0.5 (function (window, $, Util) { Util.extend(Util, { Events: { /* * Function: add * Add an event handler */ add: function(obj, type, handler){ $(obj).bind(type, handler); }, /* * Function: remove * Removes a handler or all handlers associated with a type */ remove: function(obj, type, handler){ $(obj).unbind(type, handler); }, /* * Function: fire * Fire an event */ fire: function(obj, type){ var event, args =; if (typeof type === "string"){ event = { type: type }; } else{ event = type; } $(obj).trigger( $.Event(event.type, event), args); }, /* * Function: getMousePosition */ getMousePosition: function(event){ var retval = { x: event.pageX, y: event.pageY }; return retval; }, /* * Function: getTouchEvent */ getTouchEvent: function(event){ return event.originalEvent; }, /* * Function: getWheelDelta */ getWheelDelta: function(event){ var delta = 0; if (!Util.isNothing(event.wheelDelta)){ delta = event.wheelDelta / 120; } else if (!Util.isNothing(event.detail)){ delta = -event.detail / 3; } return delta; }, /* * Function: domReady */ domReady: function(handler){ $(document).ready(handler); } } }); } ( window, window.jQuery, window.Code.Util ));// Copyright (c) 2012 by Code Computerlove ( // Licensed under the MIT license // version: 3.0.5 (function (window, $, Util) { Util.extend(Util, { DOM: { /* * Function: setData */ setData: function(el, key, value){ if (Util.isLikeArray(el)){ var i, len; for (i=0, len=el.length; i'); retval.attr(attributes); retval.append(content); return retval[0]; }, /* * Function: appendChild */ appendChild: function(childEl, parentEl){ $(parentEl).append(childEl); }, /* * Function: insertBefore */ insertBefore: function(newEl, refEl, parentEl){ $(newEl).insertBefore(refEl); }, /* * Function: appendText */ appendText: function(text, parentEl){ $(parentEl).text(text); }, /* * Function: appendToBody */ appendToBody: function(childEl){ $('body').append(childEl); }, /* * Function: removeChild */ removeChild: function(childEl, parentEl){ $(childEl).empty().remove(); }, /* * Function: removeChildren */ removeChildren: function(parentEl){ $(parentEl).empty(); }, /* * Function: hasAttribute */ hasAttribute: function(el, attributeName){ return !Util.isNothing( $(el).attr(attributeName) ); }, /* * Function: getAttribute */ getAttribute: function(el, attributeName, defaultValue){ var retval = $(el).attr(attributeName); if (Util.isNothing(retval) && !Util.isNothing(defaultValue)){ retval = defaultValue; } return retval; }, /* * Function: el, attributeName */ setAttribute: function(el, attributeName, value){ if (Util.isLikeArray(el)){ var i, len; for (i=0, len=el.length; i= 1){ Util.DOM.setStyle(el, 'opacity', 0); } if (Util.Browser.isCSSTransformSupported){ this._applyTransition(el, 'opacity', opacity, speed, callback, timingFunction); } else if (!Util.isNothing(window.jQuery)){ window.jQuery(el).fadeTo(speed, opacity, callback); } }, /* * Function: fadeTo */ fadeTo: function(el, opacity, speed, callback, timingFunction){ this.fadeIn(el, speed, callback, timingFunction, opacity); }, /* * Function: fadeOut */ fadeOut: function(el, speed, callback, timingFunction){ if (speed <= 0){ Util.DOM.setStyle(el, 'opacity', 0); if (!Util.isNothing(callback)){ callback(el); return; } } if (Util.Browser.isCSSTransformSupported){ this._applyTransition(el, 'opacity', 0, speed, callback, timingFunction); } else{ window.jQuery(el).fadeTo(speed, 0, callback); } }, /* * Function: slideBy */ slideBy: function(el, x, y, speed, callback, timingFunction){ var style = {}; x = Util.coalesce(x, 0); y = Util.coalesce(y, 0); timingFunction = Util.coalesce(timingFunction, 'ease-out'); style[this._transitionPrefix + 'Property'] = 'all'; style[this._transitionPrefix + 'Delay'] = '0'; if (speed === 0){ style[this._transitionPrefix + 'Duration'] = ''; style[this._transitionPrefix + 'TimingFunction'] = ''; } else{ style[this._transitionPrefix + 'Duration'] = speed + 'ms'; style[this._transitionPrefix + 'TimingFunction'] = Util.coalesce(timingFunction, 'ease-out'); Util.Events.add(el, this._transitionEndLabel, this._getTransitionEndHandler()); } style[this._transformLabel] = (Util.Browser.is3dSupported) ? 'translate3d(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px, 0px)' : 'translate(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px)'; if (!Util.isNothing(callback)){ el.cclallcallback = callback; } Util.DOM.setStyle(el, style); if (speed === 0){ window.setTimeout(function(){ this._leaveTransforms(el); }.bind(this), this._applyTransitionDelay); } }, /* * Function: */ resetTranslate: function(el){ var style = {}; style[this._transformLabel] = style[this._transformLabel] = (Util.Browser.is3dSupported) ? 'translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)' : 'translate(0px, 0px)'; Util.DOM.setStyle(el, style); }, /* * Function: _applyTransition */ _applyTransition: function(el, property, val, speed, callback, timingFunction){ var style = {}; timingFunction = Util.coalesce(timingFunction, 'ease-in'); style[this._transitionPrefix + 'Property'] = property; style[this._transitionPrefix + 'Duration'] = speed + 'ms'; style[this._transitionPrefix + 'TimingFunction'] = timingFunction; style[this._transitionPrefix + 'Delay'] = '0'; Util.Events.add(el, this._transitionEndLabel, this._getTransitionEndHandler()); Util.DOM.setStyle(el, style); if (!Util.isNothing(callback)){ el['ccl' + property + 'callback'] = callback; } window.setTimeout(function(){ Util.DOM.setStyle(el, property, val); }, this._applyTransitionDelay); }, /* * Function: _onTransitionEnd */ _onTransitionEnd: function(e){ Util.Events.remove(e.currentTarget, this._transitionEndLabel, this._getTransitionEndHandler()); this._leaveTransforms(e.currentTarget); }, /* * Function: _leaveTransforms */ _leaveTransforms: function(el){ var property =[this._transitionPrefix + 'Property'], callbackLabel = (property !== '') ? 'ccl' + property + 'callback' : 'cclallcallback', callback, transform = Util.coalesce(,,, transformMatch, transformExploded, domX = window.parseInt(Util.DOM.getStyle(el, 'left'), 0), domY = window.parseInt(Util.DOM.getStyle(el, 'top'), 0), transformedX, transformedY, style = {}; if (transform !== ''){ if (Util.Browser.is3dSupported){ transformMatch = transform.match( /translate3d\((.*?)\)/ ); } else{ transformMatch = transform.match( /translate\((.*?)\)/ ); } if (!Util.isNothing(transformMatch)){ transformExploded = transformMatch[1].split(', '); transformedX = window.parseInt(transformExploded[0], 0); transformedY = window.parseInt(transformExploded[1], 0); } } style[this._transitionPrefix + 'Property'] = ''; style[this._transitionPrefix + 'Duration'] = ''; style[this._transitionPrefix + 'TimingFunction'] = ''; style[this._transitionPrefix + 'Delay'] = ''; Util.DOM.setStyle(el, style); window.setTimeout(function(){ if(!Util.isNothing(transformExploded)){ style = {}; style[this._transformLabel] = ''; style.left = (domX + transformedX) + 'px'; = (domY + transformedY) + 'px'; Util.DOM.setStyle(el, style); } if (!Util.isNothing(el[callbackLabel])){ callback = el[callbackLabel]; delete el[callbackLabel]; callback(el); } }.bind(this), this._applyTransitionDelay); } } }); } ( window, window.Code.Util )); // Copyright (c) 2012 by Code Computerlove ( // Licensed under the MIT license // version: 3.0.5 (function(window, klass, Util){ Util.registerNamespace('Code.Util.TouchElement'); Util.TouchElement.EventTypes = { onTouch: 'CodeUtilTouchElementOnTouch' }; Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes = { touchStart: 'touchStart', touchMove: 'touchMove', touchEnd: 'touchEnd', touchMoveEnd: 'touchMoveEnd', tap: 'tap', doubleTap: 'doubleTap', swipeLeft: 'swipeLeft', swipeRight: 'swipeRight', swipeUp: 'swipeUp', swipeDown: 'swipeDown', gestureStart: 'gestureStart', gestureChange: 'gestureChange', gestureEnd: 'gestureEnd' }; } ( window, window.klass, window.Code.Util ));// Copyright (c) 2012 by Code Computerlove ( // Licensed under the MIT license // version: 3.0.5 (function(window, klass, Util){ Util.registerNamespace('Code.Util.TouchElement'); Util.TouchElement.TouchElementClass = klass({ el: null, captureSettings: null, touchStartPoint: null, touchEndPoint: null, touchStartTime: null, doubleTapTimeout: null, touchStartHandler: null, touchMoveHandler: null, touchEndHandler: null, mouseDownHandler: null, mouseMoveHandler: null, mouseUpHandler: null, mouseOutHandler: null, gestureStartHandler: null, gestureChangeHandler: null, gestureEndHandler: null, swipeThreshold: null, swipeTimeThreshold: null, doubleTapSpeed: null, /* * Function: dispose */ dispose: function(){ var prop; this.removeEventHandlers(); for (prop in this) { if (Util.objectHasProperty(this, prop)) { this[prop] = null; } } }, /* * Function: initialize */ initialize: function(el, captureSettings){ this.el = el; this.captureSettings = { swipe: false, move: false, gesture: false, doubleTap: false, preventDefaultTouchEvents: true }; Util.extend(this.captureSettings, captureSettings); this.swipeThreshold = 50; this.swipeTimeThreshold = 250; this.doubleTapSpeed = 250; this.touchStartPoint = { x: 0, y: 0 }; this.touchEndPoint = { x: 0, y: 0 }; }, /* * Function: addEventHandlers */ addEventHandlers: function(){ if (Util.isNothing(this.touchStartHandler)){ this.touchStartHandler = this.onTouchStart.bind(this); this.touchMoveHandler = this.onTouchMove.bind(this); this.touchEndHandler = this.onTouchEnd.bind(this); this.mouseDownHandler = this.onMouseDown.bind(this); this.mouseMoveHandler = this.onMouseMove.bind(this); this.mouseUpHandler = this.onMouseUp.bind(this); this.mouseOutHandler = this.onMouseOut.bind(this); this.gestureStartHandler = this.onGestureStart.bind(this); this.gestureChangeHandler = this.onGestureChange.bind(this); this.gestureEndHandler = this.onGestureEnd.bind(this); } Util.Events.add(this.el, 'touchstart', this.touchStartHandler); if (this.captureSettings.move){ Util.Events.add(this.el, 'touchmove', this.touchMoveHandler); } Util.Events.add(this.el, 'touchend', this.touchEndHandler); Util.Events.add(this.el, 'mousedown', this.mouseDownHandler); if (Util.Browser.isGestureSupported && this.captureSettings.gesture){ Util.Events.add(this.el, 'gesturestart', this.gestureStartHandler); Util.Events.add(this.el, 'gesturechange', this.gestureChangeHandler); Util.Events.add(this.el, 'gestureend', this.gestureEndHandler); } }, /* * Function: removeEventHandlers */ removeEventHandlers: function(){ Util.Events.remove(this.el, 'touchstart', this.touchStartHandler); if (this.captureSettings.move){ Util.Events.remove(this.el, 'touchmove', this.touchMoveHandler); } Util.Events.remove(this.el, 'touchend', this.touchEndHandler); Util.Events.remove(this.el, 'mousedown', this.mouseDownHandler); if (Util.Browser.isGestureSupported && this.captureSettings.gesture){ Util.Events.remove(this.el, 'gesturestart', this.gestureStartHandler); Util.Events.remove(this.el, 'gesturechange', this.gestureChangeHandler); Util.Events.remove(this.el, 'gestureend', this.gestureEndHandler); } }, /* * Function: getTouchPoint */ getTouchPoint: function(touches){ return { x: touches[0].pageX, y: touches[0].pageY }; }, /* * Function: fireTouchEvent */ fireTouchEvent: function(e){ var action, distX = 0, distY = 0, dist = 0, self, endTime, diffTime; distX = this.touchEndPoint.x - this.touchStartPoint.x; distY = this.touchEndPoint.y - this.touchStartPoint.y; dist = Math.sqrt( (distX * distX) + (distY * distY) ); if (this.captureSettings.swipe){ endTime = new Date(); diffTime = endTime - this.touchStartTime; // See if there was a swipe gesture if (diffTime <= this.swipeTimeThreshold){ if (window.Math.abs(distX) >= this.swipeThreshold){, { type: Util.TouchElement.EventTypes.onTouch, target: this, point: this.touchEndPoint, action: (distX < 0) ? Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.swipeLeft : Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.swipeRight, targetEl:, currentTargetEl: e.currentTarget }); return; } if (window.Math.abs(distY) >= this.swipeThreshold){, { type: Util.TouchElement.EventTypes.onTouch, target: this, point: this.touchEndPoint, action: (distY < 0) ? Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.swipeUp : Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.swipeDown, targetEl:, currentTargetEl: e.currentTarget }); return; } } } if (dist > 1){, { type: Util.TouchElement.EventTypes.onTouch, target: this, action: Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.touchMoveEnd, point: this.touchEndPoint, targetEl:, currentTargetEl: e.currentTarget }); return; } if (!this.captureSettings.doubleTap){, { type: Util.TouchElement.EventTypes.onTouch, target: this, point: this.touchEndPoint, action: Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.tap, targetEl:, currentTargetEl: e.currentTarget }); return; } if (Util.isNothing(this.doubleTapTimeout)){ this.doubleTapTimeout = window.setTimeout(function(){ this.doubleTapTimeout = null;, { type: Util.TouchElement.EventTypes.onTouch, target: this, point: this.touchEndPoint, action: Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.tap, targetEl:, currentTargetEl: e.currentTarget }); }.bind(this), this.doubleTapSpeed); return; } else{ window.clearTimeout(this.doubleTapTimeout); this.doubleTapTimeout = null;, { type: Util.TouchElement.EventTypes.onTouch, target: this, point: this.touchEndPoint, action: Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.doubleTap, targetEl:, currentTargetEl: e.currentTarget }); } }, /* * Function: onTouchStart */ onTouchStart: function(e){ if (this.captureSettings.preventDefaultTouchEvents){ e.preventDefault(); } // No longer need mouse events Util.Events.remove(this.el, 'mousedown', this.mouseDownHandler); var touchEvent = Util.Events.getTouchEvent(e), touches = touchEvent.touches; if (touches.length > 1 && this.captureSettings.gesture){ this.isGesture = true; return; } this.touchStartTime = new Date(); this.isGesture = false; this.touchStartPoint = this.getTouchPoint(touches);, { type: Util.TouchElement.EventTypes.onTouch, target: this, action: Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.touchStart, point: this.touchStartPoint, targetEl:, currentTargetEl: e.currentTarget }); }, /* * Function: onTouchMove */ onTouchMove: function(e){ if (this.captureSettings.preventDefaultTouchEvents){ e.preventDefault(); } if (this.isGesture && this.captureSettings.gesture){ return; } var touchEvent = Util.Events.getTouchEvent(e), touches = touchEvent.touches;, { type: Util.TouchElement.EventTypes.onTouch, target: this, action: Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.touchMove, point: this.getTouchPoint(touches), targetEl:, currentTargetEl: e.currentTarget }); }, /* * Function: onTouchEnd */ onTouchEnd: function(e){ if (this.isGesture && this.captureSettings.gesture){ return; } if (this.captureSettings.preventDefaultTouchEvents){ e.preventDefault(); } // // iOS removed the current touch from e.touches on "touchend" // Need to look into e.changedTouches var touchEvent = Util.Events.getTouchEvent(e), touches = (!Util.isNothing(touchEvent.changedTouches)) ? touchEvent.changedTouches : touchEvent.touches; this.touchEndPoint = this.getTouchPoint(touches);, { type: Util.TouchElement.EventTypes.onTouch, target: this, action: Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.touchEnd, point: this.touchEndPoint, targetEl:, currentTargetEl: e.currentTarget }); this.fireTouchEvent(e); }, /* * Function: onMouseDown */ onMouseDown: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); // No longer need touch events Util.Events.remove(this.el, 'touchstart', this.mouseDownHandler); Util.Events.remove(this.el, 'touchmove', this.touchMoveHandler); Util.Events.remove(this.el, 'touchend', this.touchEndHandler); // Add move/up/out if (this.captureSettings.move){ Util.Events.add(this.el, 'mousemove', this.mouseMoveHandler); } Util.Events.add(this.el, 'mouseup', this.mouseUpHandler); Util.Events.add(this.el, 'mouseout', this.mouseOutHandler); this.touchStartTime = new Date(); this.isGesture = false; this.touchStartPoint = Util.Events.getMousePosition(e);, { type: Util.TouchElement.EventTypes.onTouch, target: this, action: Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.touchStart, point: this.touchStartPoint, targetEl:, currentTargetEl: e.currentTarget }); }, /* * Function: onMouseMove */ onMouseMove: function(e){ e.preventDefault();, { type: Util.TouchElement.EventTypes.onTouch, target: this, action: Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.touchMove, point: Util.Events.getMousePosition(e), targetEl:, currentTargetEl: e.currentTarget }); }, /* * Function: onMouseUp */ onMouseUp: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if (this.captureSettings.move){ Util.Events.remove(this.el, 'mousemove', this.mouseMoveHandler); } Util.Events.remove(this.el, 'mouseup', this.mouseUpHandler); Util.Events.remove(this.el, 'mouseout', this.mouseOutHandler); this.touchEndPoint = Util.Events.getMousePosition(e);, { type: Util.TouchElement.EventTypes.onTouch, target: this, action: Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.touchEnd, point: this.touchEndPoint, targetEl:, currentTargetEl: e.currentTarget }); this.fireTouchEvent(e); }, /* * Function: onMouseOut */ onMouseOut: function(e){ /* * */ var relTarget = e.relatedTarget; if (this.el === relTarget || Util.DOM.isChildOf(relTarget, this.el)){ return; } e.preventDefault(); if (this.captureSettings.move){ Util.Events.remove(this.el, 'mousemove', this.mouseMoveHandler); } Util.Events.remove(this.el, 'mouseup', this.mouseUpHandler); Util.Events.remove(this.el, 'mouseout', this.mouseOutHandler); this.touchEndPoint = Util.Events.getMousePosition(e);, { type: Util.TouchElement.EventTypes.onTouch, target: this, action: Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.touchEnd, point: this.touchEndPoint, targetEl:, currentTargetEl: e.currentTarget }); this.fireTouchEvent(e); }, /* * Function: onGestureStart */ onGestureStart: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var touchEvent = Util.Events.getTouchEvent(e);, { type: Util.TouchElement.EventTypes.onTouch, target: this, action: Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.gestureStart, scale: touchEvent.scale, rotation: touchEvent.rotation, targetEl:, currentTargetEl: e.currentTarget }); }, /* * Function: onGestureChange */ onGestureChange: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var touchEvent = Util.Events.getTouchEvent(e);, { type: Util.TouchElement.EventTypes.onTouch, target: this, action: Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.gestureChange, scale: touchEvent.scale, rotation: touchEvent.rotation, targetEl:, currentTargetEl: e.currentTarget }); }, /* * Function: onGestureEnd */ onGestureEnd: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var touchEvent = Util.Events.getTouchEvent(e);, { type: Util.TouchElement.EventTypes.onTouch, target: this, action: Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.gestureEnd, scale: touchEvent.scale, rotation: touchEvent.rotation, targetEl:, currentTargetEl: e.currentTarget }); } }); } ( window, window.klass, window.Code.Util ));// Copyright (c) 2012 by Code Computerlove ( // Licensed under the MIT license // version: 3.0.5 (function(window, klass, Util){ Util.registerNamespace('Code.PhotoSwipe.Image'); var PhotoSwipe = window.Code.PhotoSwipe; PhotoSwipe.Image.EventTypes = { onLoad: 'onLoad', onError: 'onError' }; } ( window, window.klass, window.Code.Util ));// Copyright (c) 2012 by Code Computerlove ( // Licensed under the MIT license // version: 3.0.5 (function(window, klass, Util){ Util.registerNamespace('Code.PhotoSwipe.Image'); var PhotoSwipe = window.Code.PhotoSwipe; PhotoSwipe.Image.ImageClass = klass({ refObj: null, imageEl: null, src: null, caption: null, metaData: null, imageLoadHandler: null, imageErrorHandler: null, /* * Function: dispose */ dispose: function(){ var prop, i; this.shrinkImage(); for (prop in this) { if (Util.objectHasProperty(this, prop)) { this[prop] = null; } } }, /* * Function: initialize */ initialize: function(refObj, src, caption, metaData){ this.refObj = refObj; // This is needed. Webkit resolves the src // value which means we can't compare against it in the load function this.originalSrc = src; this.src = src; this.caption = caption; this.metaData = metaData; this.imageEl = new window.Image(); this.imageLoadHandler = this.onImageLoad.bind(this); this.imageErrorHandler = this.onImageError.bind(this); }, /* * Function: load */ load: function(){ this.imageEl.originalSrc = Util.coalesce(this.imageEl.originalSrc, ''); if (this.imageEl.originalSrc === this.src){ if (this.imageEl.isError){, { type: PhotoSwipe.Image.EventTypes.onError, target: this }); } else{, { type: PhotoSwipe.Image.EventTypes.onLoad, target: this }); } return; } this.imageEl.isError = false; this.imageEl.isLoading = true; this.imageEl.naturalWidth = null; this.imageEl.naturalHeight = null; this.imageEl.isLandscape = false; this.imageEl.onload = this.imageLoadHandler; this.imageEl.onerror = this.imageErrorHandler; this.imageEl.onabort = this.imageErrorHandler; this.imageEl.originalSrc = this.src; this.imageEl.src = this.src; }, /* * Function: shrinkImage */ shrinkImage: function(){ if (Util.isNothing(this.imageEl)){ return; } if (this.imageEl.src.indexOf(this.src) > -1){ this.imageEl.src = ''; if (!Util.isNothing(this.imageEl.parentNode)){ Util.DOM.removeChild(this.imageEl, this.imageEl.parentNode); } } }, /* * Function: onImageLoad */ onImageLoad: function(e){ this.imageEl.onload = null; this.imageEl.naturalWidth = Util.coalesce(this.imageEl.naturalWidth, this.imageEl.width); this.imageEl.naturalHeight = Util.coalesce(this.imageEl.naturalHeight, this.imageEl.height); this.imageEl.isLandscape = (this.imageEl.naturalWidth > this.imageEl.naturalHeight); this.imageEl.isLoading = false;, { type: PhotoSwipe.Image.EventTypes.onLoad, target: this }); }, /* * Function: onImageError */ onImageError: function(e){ this.imageEl.onload = null; this.imageEl.onerror = null; this.imageEl.onabort = null; this.imageEl.isLoading = false; this.imageEl.isError = true;, { type: PhotoSwipe.Image.EventTypes.onError, target: this }); } }); } ( window, window.klass, window.Code.Util ));// Copyright (c) 2012 by Code Computerlove ( // Licensed under the MIT license // version: 3.0.5 (function(window, klass, Util){ Util.registerNamespace('Code.PhotoSwipe.Cache'); var PhotoSwipe = window.Code.PhotoSwipe; PhotoSwipe.Cache.Mode = { normal: 'normal', aggressive: 'aggressive' }; PhotoSwipe.Cache.Functions = { /* * Function: getImageSource * Default method for returning an image's source */ getImageSource: function(el){ return el.href; }, /* * Function: getImageCaption * Default method for returning an image's caption * Assumes the el is an anchor and the first child is the * image. The returned value is the "alt" attribute of the * image. */ getImageCaption: function(el){ if (el.nodeName === "IMG"){ return Util.DOM.getAttribute(el, 'alt'); } var i, j, childEl; for (i=0, j=el.childNodes.length; i height){ height = Util.DOM.windowHeight(); } } else{ width = Util.DOM.width(; height = Util.DOM.height(; top = '0px'; } Util.DOM.setStyle(this.el, { width: width, height: height, top: top }); }, /* * Function: fadeIn */ fadeIn: function(speed, callback){ this.resetPosition(); Util.DOM.setStyle(this.el, 'opacity', 0);; Util.Animation.fadeIn(this.el, speed, callback); } }); } ( window, window.klass, window.Code.Util ));// Copyright (c) 2012 by Code Computerlove ( // Licensed under the MIT license // version: 3.0.5 (function(window, klass, Util){ Util.registerNamespace('Code.PhotoSwipe.Carousel'); var PhotoSwipe = window.Code.PhotoSwipe; PhotoSwipe.Carousel.EventTypes = { onSlideByEnd: 'PhotoSwipeCarouselOnSlideByEnd', onSlideshowStart: 'PhotoSwipeCarouselOnSlideshowStart', onSlideshowStop: 'PhotoSwipeCarouselOnSlideshowStop' }; PhotoSwipe.Carousel.CssClasses = { carousel: 'ps-carousel', content: 'ps-carousel-content', item: 'ps-carousel-item', itemLoading: 'ps-carousel-item-loading', itemError: 'ps-carousel-item-error' }; PhotoSwipe.Carousel.SlideByAction = { previous: 'previous', current: 'current', next: 'next' }; } ( window, window.klass, window.Code.Util ));// Copyright (c) 2012 by Code Computerlove ( // Licensed under the MIT license // version: 3.0.5 (function(window, klass, Util){ Util.registerNamespace('Code.PhotoSwipe.Carousel'); var PhotoSwipe = window.Code.PhotoSwipe; PhotoSwipe.Carousel.CarouselClass = klass({ el: null, contentEl: null, settings: null, cache: null, slideByEndHandler: null, currentCacheIndex: null, isSliding: null, isSlideshowActive: null, lastSlideByAction: null, touchStartPoint: null, touchStartPosition: null, imageLoadHandler: null, imageErrorHandler: null, slideshowTimeout: null, /* * Function: dispose */ dispose: function(){ var prop, i, j; for (i=0, j=this.cache.images.length; i 0){ Util.DOM.setStyle(itemEl, { marginRight: this.settings.margin + 'px' }); } Util.DOM.appendChild(itemEl, this.contentEl); } if ( === window){ Util.DOM.appendToBody(this.el); } else{ Util.DOM.appendChild(this.el,; } }, /* * Function: resetPosition */ resetPosition: function(){ var width, height, top, itemWidth, itemEls, contentWidth, i, j, itemEl, imageEl; if ( === window){ width = Util.DOM.windowWidth(); height = Util.DOM.windowHeight(); top = Util.DOM.windowScrollTop() + 'px'; } else{ width = Util.DOM.width(; height = Util.DOM.height(; top = '0px'; } itemWidth = (this.settings.margin > 0) ? width + this.settings.margin : width; itemEls = Util.DOM.find('.' + PhotoSwipe.Carousel.CssClasses.item, this.contentEl); contentWidth = itemWidth * itemEls.length; // Set the height and width to fill the document Util.DOM.setStyle(this.el, { top: top, width: width, height: height }); // Set the height and width of the content el Util.DOM.setStyle(this.contentEl, { width: contentWidth, height: height }); // Set the height and width of item elements for (i=0, j=itemEls.length; i maxWidth){ scale = maxWidth / newWidth; newWidth = Math.round(newWidth * scale); newHeight = Math.round(newHeight * scale); } if (newHeight > maxHeight){ scale = maxHeight / newHeight; newHeight = Math.round(newHeight * scale); newWidth = Math.round(newWidth * scale); } } else{ if (imageEl.isLandscape) { // Ensure the width fits the screen scale = maxWidth / imageEl.naturalWidth; } else { // Ensure the height fits the screen scale = maxHeight / imageEl.naturalHeight; } newWidth = Math.round(imageEl.naturalWidth * scale); newHeight = Math.round(imageEl.naturalHeight * scale); if (this.settings.imageScaleMethod === 'zoom'){ scale = 1; if (newHeight < maxHeight){ scale = maxHeight /newHeight; } else if (newWidth < maxWidth){ scale = maxWidth /newWidth; } if (scale !== 1) { newWidth = Math.round(newWidth * scale); newHeight = Math.round(newHeight * scale); } } else if (this.settings.imageScaleMethod === 'fit') { // Rescale again to ensure full image fits into the viewport scale = 1; if (newWidth > maxWidth) { scale = maxWidth / newWidth; } else if (newHeight > maxHeight) { scale = maxHeight / newHeight; } if (scale !== 1) { newWidth = Math.round(newWidth * scale); newHeight = Math.round(newHeight * scale); } } } newTop = Math.round( ((maxHeight - newHeight) / 2) ) + 'px'; newLeft = Math.round( ((maxWidth - newWidth) / 2) ) + 'px'; Util.DOM.setStyle(imageEl, { position: 'absolute', width: newWidth, height: newHeight, top: newTop, left: newLeft, display: 'block' }); }, /* * Function: setContentLeftPosition */ setContentLeftPosition: function(){ var width, itemEls, left; if ( === window){ width = Util.DOM.windowWidth(); } else{ width = Util.DOM.width(; } itemEls = this.getItemEls(); left = 0; if (this.settings.loop){ left = (width + this.settings.margin) * -1; } else{ if (this.currentCacheIndex === this.cache.images.length-1){ left = ((itemEls.length-1) * (width + this.settings.margin)) * -1; } else if (this.currentCacheIndex > 0){ left = (width + this.settings.margin) * -1; } } Util.DOM.setStyle(this.contentEl, { left: left + 'px' }); }, /* * Function: */ show: function(index){ this.currentCacheIndex = index; this.resetPosition(); this.setImages(false);; Util.Animation.resetTranslate(this.contentEl); var itemEls = this.getItemEls(), i, j; for (i=0, j=itemEls.length; i this.cache.images.length-1){ nextCacheIndex = 0; } if (previousCacheIndex < 0){ previousCacheIndex = this.cache.images.length-1; } cacheImages = this.cache.getImages([ previousCacheIndex, this.currentCacheIndex, nextCacheIndex ]); if (!ignoreCurrent){ // Current this.addCacheImageToItemEl(cacheImages[1], itemEls[1]); } // Next this.addCacheImageToItemEl(cacheImages[2], itemEls[2]); // Previous this.addCacheImageToItemEl(cacheImages[0], itemEls[0]); } else{ if (itemEls.length === 1){ if (!ignoreCurrent){ // Current cacheImages = this.cache.getImages([ this.currentCacheIndex ]); this.addCacheImageToItemEl(cacheImages[0], itemEls[0]); } } else if (itemEls.length === 2){ if (this.currentCacheIndex === 0){ cacheImages = this.cache.getImages([ this.currentCacheIndex, this.currentCacheIndex + 1 ]); if (!ignoreCurrent){ this.addCacheImageToItemEl(cacheImages[0], itemEls[0]); } this.addCacheImageToItemEl(cacheImages[1], itemEls[1]); } else{ cacheImages = this.cache.getImages([ this.currentCacheIndex - 1, this.currentCacheIndex ]); if (!ignoreCurrent){ this.addCacheImageToItemEl(cacheImages[1], itemEls[1]); } this.addCacheImageToItemEl(cacheImages[0], itemEls[0]); } } else{ if (this.currentCacheIndex === 0){ cacheImages = this.cache.getImages([ this.currentCacheIndex, this.currentCacheIndex + 1, this.currentCacheIndex + 2 ]); if (!ignoreCurrent){ this.addCacheImageToItemEl(cacheImages[0], itemEls[0]); } this.addCacheImageToItemEl(cacheImages[1], itemEls[1]); this.addCacheImageToItemEl(cacheImages[2], itemEls[2]); } else if (this.currentCacheIndex === this.cache.images.length-1){ cacheImages = this.cache.getImages([ this.currentCacheIndex - 2, this.currentCacheIndex - 1, this.currentCacheIndex ]); if (!ignoreCurrent){ // Current this.addCacheImageToItemEl(cacheImages[2], itemEls[2]); } this.addCacheImageToItemEl(cacheImages[1], itemEls[1]); this.addCacheImageToItemEl(cacheImages[0], itemEls[0]); } else{ cacheImages = this.cache.getImages([ this.currentCacheIndex - 1, this.currentCacheIndex, this.currentCacheIndex + 1 ]); if (!ignoreCurrent){ // Current this.addCacheImageToItemEl(cacheImages[1], itemEls[1]); } // Next this.addCacheImageToItemEl(cacheImages[2], itemEls[2]); // Previous this.addCacheImageToItemEl(cacheImages[0], itemEls[0]); } } } }, /* * Function: addCacheImageToItemEl */ addCacheImageToItemEl: function(cacheImage, itemEl){ Util.DOM.removeClass(itemEl, PhotoSwipe.Carousel.CssClasses.itemError); Util.DOM.addClass(itemEl, PhotoSwipe.Carousel.CssClasses.itemLoading); Util.DOM.removeChildren(itemEl); Util.DOM.setStyle(cacheImage.imageEl, { display: 'none' }); Util.DOM.appendChild(cacheImage.imageEl, itemEl); Util.Animation.resetTranslate(cacheImage.imageEl); Util.Events.add(cacheImage, PhotoSwipe.Image.EventTypes.onLoad, this.imageLoadHandler); Util.Events.add(cacheImage, PhotoSwipe.Image.EventTypes.onError, this.imageErrorHandler); cacheImage.load(); }, /* * Function: slideCarousel */ slideCarousel: function(point, action, speed){ if (this.isSliding){ return; } var width, diffX, slideBy; if ( === window){ width = Util.DOM.windowWidth() + this.settings.margin; } else{ width = Util.DOM.width( + this.settings.margin; } speed = Util.coalesce(speed, this.settings.slideSpeed); if (window.Math.abs(diffX) < 1){ return; } switch (action){ case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.swipeLeft: slideBy = width * -1; break; case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.swipeRight: slideBy = width; break; default: diffX = point.x - this.touchStartPoint.x; if (window.Math.abs(diffX) > width / 2){ slideBy = (diffX > 0) ? width : width * -1; } else{ slideBy = 0; } break; } if (slideBy < 0){ this.lastSlideByAction =; } else if (slideBy > 0){ this.lastSlideByAction = PhotoSwipe.Carousel.SlideByAction.previous; } else{ this.lastSlideByAction = PhotoSwipe.Carousel.SlideByAction.current; } // Check for non-looping carousels // If we are at the start or end, spring back to the current item element if (!this.settings.loop){ if ( (this.lastSlideByAction === PhotoSwipe.Carousel.SlideByAction.previous && this.currentCacheIndex === 0 ) || (this.lastSlideByAction === && this.currentCacheIndex === this.cache.images.length-1) ){ slideBy = 0; this.lastSlideByAction = PhotoSwipe.Carousel.SlideByAction.current; } } this.isSliding = true; this.doSlideCarousel(slideBy, speed); }, /* * Function: */ moveCarousel: function(point){ if (this.isSliding){ return; } if (!this.settings.enableDrag){ return; } this.doMoveCarousel(point.x - this.touchStartPoint.x); }, /* * Function: getItemEls */ getItemEls: function(){ return Util.DOM.find('.' + PhotoSwipe.Carousel.CssClasses.item, this.contentEl); }, /* * Function: previous */ previous: function(){ this.stopSlideshow(); this.slideCarousel({x:0, y:0}, Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.swipeRight, this.settings.nextPreviousSlideSpeed); }, /* * Function: next */ next: function(){ this.stopSlideshow(); this.slideCarousel({x:0, y:0}, Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.swipeLeft, this.settings.nextPreviousSlideSpeed); }, /* * Function: slideshowNext */ slideshowNext: function(){ this.slideCarousel({x:0, y:0}, Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.swipeLeft); }, /* * Function: startSlideshow */ startSlideshow: function(){ this.stopSlideshow(); this.isSlideshowActive = true; this.slideshowTimeout = window.setTimeout(this.slideshowNext.bind(this), this.settings.slideshowDelay);, { type: PhotoSwipe.Carousel.EventTypes.onSlideshowStart, target: this }); }, /* * Function: stopSlideshow */ stopSlideshow: function(){ if (!Util.isNothing(this.slideshowTimeout)){ window.clearTimeout(this.slideshowTimeout); this.slideshowTimeout = null; this.isSlideshowActive = false;, { type: PhotoSwipe.Carousel.EventTypes.onSlideshowStop, target: this }); } }, /* * Function: onSlideByEnd */ onSlideByEnd: function(e){ if (Util.isNothing(this.isSliding)){ return; } var itemEls = this.getItemEls(); this.isSliding = false; if (this.lastSlideByAction ==={ this.currentCacheIndex = this.currentCacheIndex + 1; } else if (this.lastSlideByAction === PhotoSwipe.Carousel.SlideByAction.previous){ this.currentCacheIndex = this.currentCacheIndex - 1; } if (this.settings.loop){ if (this.lastSlideByAction ==={ // Move first to the last Util.DOM.appendChild(itemEls[0], this.contentEl); } else if (this.lastSlideByAction === PhotoSwipe.Carousel.SlideByAction.previous){ // Move the last to the first Util.DOM.insertBefore(itemEls[itemEls.length-1], itemEls[0], this.contentEl); } if (this.currentCacheIndex < 0){ this.currentCacheIndex = this.cache.images.length - 1; } else if (this.currentCacheIndex === this.cache.images.length){ this.currentCacheIndex = 0; } } else{ if (this.cache.images.length > 3){ if (this.currentCacheIndex > 1 && this.currentCacheIndex < this.cache.images.length-2){ if (this.lastSlideByAction ==={ // Move first to the last Util.DOM.appendChild(itemEls[0], this.contentEl); } else if (this.lastSlideByAction === PhotoSwipe.Carousel.SlideByAction.previous){ // Move the last to the first Util.DOM.insertBefore(itemEls[itemEls.length-1], itemEls[0], this.contentEl); } } else if (this.currentCacheIndex === 1){ if (this.lastSlideByAction === PhotoSwipe.Carousel.SlideByAction.previous){ // Move the last to the first Util.DOM.insertBefore(itemEls[itemEls.length-1], itemEls[0], this.contentEl); } } else if (this.currentCacheIndex === this.cache.images.length-2){ if (this.lastSlideByAction ==={ // Move first to the last Util.DOM.appendChild(itemEls[0], this.contentEl); } } } } if (this.lastSlideByAction !== PhotoSwipe.Carousel.SlideByAction.current){ this.setContentLeftPosition(); this.setImages(true); }, { type: PhotoSwipe.Carousel.EventTypes.onSlideByEnd, target: this, action: this.lastSlideByAction, cacheIndex: this.currentCacheIndex }); if (this.isSlideshowActive){ if (this.lastSlideByAction !== PhotoSwipe.Carousel.SlideByAction.current){ this.startSlideshow(); } else{ this.stopSlideshow(); } } }, /* * Function: onTouch */ onTouch: function(action, point){ this.stopSlideshow(); switch(action){ case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.touchStart: this.touchStartPoint = point; this.touchStartPosition = { x: window.parseInt(Util.DOM.getStyle(this.contentEl, 'left'), 0), y: window.parseInt(Util.DOM.getStyle(this.contentEl, 'top'), 0) }; break; case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.touchMove: this.moveCarousel(point); break; case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.touchMoveEnd: case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.swipeLeft: case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.swipeRight: this.slideCarousel(point, action); break; case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.tap: break; case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.doubleTap: break; } }, /* * Function: onImageLoad */ onImageLoad: function(e){ var cacheImage =; if (!Util.isNothing(cacheImage.imageEl.parentNode)){ Util.DOM.removeClass(cacheImage.imageEl.parentNode, PhotoSwipe.Carousel.CssClasses.itemLoading); this.resetImagePosition(cacheImage.imageEl); } Util.Events.remove(cacheImage, PhotoSwipe.Image.EventTypes.onLoad, this.imageLoadHandler); Util.Events.remove(cacheImage, PhotoSwipe.Image.EventTypes.onError, this.imageErrorHandler); }, /* * Function: onImageError */ onImageError: function(e){ var cacheImage =; if (!Util.isNothing(cacheImage.imageEl.parentNode)){ Util.DOM.removeClass(cacheImage.imageEl.parentNode, PhotoSwipe.Carousel.CssClasses.itemLoading); Util.DOM.addClass(cacheImage.imageEl.parentNode, PhotoSwipe.Carousel.CssClasses.itemError); } Util.Events.remove(cacheImage, PhotoSwipe.Image.EventTypes.onLoad, this.imageLoadHandler); Util.Events.remove(cacheImage, PhotoSwipe.Image.EventTypes.onError, this.imageErrorHandler); } }); } ( window, window.klass, window.Code.Util ));// Copyright (c) 2012 by Code Computerlove ( // Licensed under the MIT license // version: 3.0.5 (function(window, klass, Util, TouchElement){ Util.registerNamespace('Code.PhotoSwipe.Carousel'); var PhotoSwipe = window.Code.PhotoSwipe; PhotoSwipe.Carousel.CarouselClass = PhotoSwipe.Carousel.CarouselClass.extend({ /* * Function: getStartingPos */ getStartingPos: function(){ var startingPos = this.touchStartPosition; if (Util.isNothing(startingPos)){ startingPos = { x: window.parseInt(Util.DOM.getStyle(this.contentEl, 'left'), 0), y: window.parseInt(Util.DOM.getStyle(this.contentEl, 'top'), 0) }; } return startingPos; }, /* * Function: doMoveCarousel */ doMoveCarousel: function(xVal){ var style; if (Util.Browser.isCSSTransformSupported){ style = {}; style[Util.Animation._transitionPrefix + 'Property'] = 'all'; style[Util.Animation._transitionPrefix + 'Duration'] = ''; style[Util.Animation._transitionPrefix + 'TimingFunction'] = ''; style[Util.Animation._transitionPrefix + 'Delay'] = '0'; style[Util.Animation._transformLabel] = (Util.Browser.is3dSupported) ? 'translate3d(' + xVal + 'px, 0px, 0px)' : 'translate(' + xVal + 'px, 0px)'; Util.DOM.setStyle(this.contentEl, style); } else if (!Util.isNothing(window.jQuery)){ window.jQuery(this.contentEl).stop().css('left', this.getStartingPos().x + xVal + 'px'); } }, /* * Function: doSlideCarousel */ doSlideCarousel: function(xVal, speed){ var animateProps, transform; if (speed <= 0){ this.slideByEndHandler(); return; } if (Util.Browser.isCSSTransformSupported){ transform = Util.coalesce(,,, ''); if (transform.indexOf('translate3d(' + xVal) === 0){ this.slideByEndHandler(); return; } else if (transform.indexOf('translate(' + xVal) === 0){ this.slideByEndHandler(); return; } Util.Animation.slideBy(this.contentEl, xVal, 0, speed, this.slideByEndHandler, this.settings.slideTimingFunction); } else if (!Util.isNothing(window.jQuery)){ animateProps = { left: this.getStartingPos().x + xVal + 'px' }; if (this.settings.animationTimingFunction === 'ease-out'){ this.settings.animationTimingFunction = 'easeOutQuad'; } if ( Util.isNothing(window.jQuery.easing[this.settings.animationTimingFunction]) ){ this.settings.animationTimingFunction = 'linear'; } window.jQuery(this.contentEl).animate( animateProps, this.settings.slideSpeed, this.settings.animationTimingFunction, this.slideByEndHandler ); } } }); } ( window, window.klass, window.Code.Util, window.Code.PhotoSwipe.TouchElement ));// Copyright (c) 2012 by Code Computerlove ( // Licensed under the MIT license // version: 3.0.5 (function(window, klass, Util){ Util.registerNamespace('Code.PhotoSwipe.Toolbar'); var PhotoSwipe = window.Code.PhotoSwipe; PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.CssClasses = { toolbar: 'ps-toolbar', toolbarContent: 'ps-toolbar-content', toolbarTop: 'ps-toolbar-top', caption: 'ps-caption', captionBottom: 'ps-caption-bottom', captionContent: 'ps-caption-content', close: 'ps-toolbar-close', play: 'ps-toolbar-play', previous: 'ps-toolbar-previous', previousDisabled: 'ps-toolbar-previous-disabled', next: 'ps-toolbar-next', nextDisabled: 'ps-toolbar-next-disabled' }; PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.ToolbarAction = { close: 'close', play: 'play', next: 'next', previous: 'previous', none: 'none' }; PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.EventTypes = { onTap: 'PhotoSwipeToolbarOnClick', onBeforeShow: 'PhotoSwipeToolbarOnBeforeShow', onShow: 'PhotoSwipeToolbarOnShow', onBeforeHide: 'PhotoSwipeToolbarOnBeforeHide', onHide: 'PhotoSwipeToolbarOnHide' }; PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.getToolbar = function(){ return '
'; }; } ( window, window.klass, window.Code.Util ));// Copyright (c) 2012 by Code Computerlove ( // Licensed under the MIT license // version: 3.0.5 (function(window, klass, Util){ Util.registerNamespace('Code.PhotoSwipe.Toolbar'); var PhotoSwipe = window.Code.PhotoSwipe; PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.ToolbarClass = klass({ toolbarEl: null, closeEl: null, playEl: null, previousEl: null, nextEl: null, captionEl: null, captionContentEl: null, currentCaption: null, settings: null, cache: null, timeout: null, isVisible: null, fadeOutHandler: null, touchStartHandler: null, touchMoveHandler: null, clickHandler: null, /* * Function: dispose */ dispose: function(){ var prop; this.clearTimeout(); this.removeEventHandlers(); Util.Animation.stop(this.toolbarEl); Util.Animation.stop(this.captionEl); Util.DOM.removeChild(this.toolbarEl, this.toolbarEl.parentNode); Util.DOM.removeChild(this.captionEl, this.captionEl.parentNode); for (prop in this) { if (Util.objectHasProperty(this, prop)) { this[prop] = null; } } }, /* * Function: initialize */ initialize: function(cache, options){ var cssClass; this.settings = options; this.cache = cache; this.isVisible = false; this.fadeOutHandler = this.onFadeOut.bind(this); this.touchStartHandler = this.onTouchStart.bind(this); this.touchMoveHandler = this.onTouchMove.bind(this); this.clickHandler = this.onClick.bind(this); cssClass = PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.CssClasses.toolbar; if (this.settings.captionAndToolbarFlipPosition){ cssClass = cssClass + ' ' + PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.CssClasses.toolbarTop; } // Toolbar this.toolbarEl = Util.DOM.createElement( 'div', { 'class': cssClass }, this.settings.getToolbar() ); Util.DOM.setStyle(this.toolbarEl, { left: 0, position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: this.settings.zIndex }); if ( === window){ Util.DOM.appendToBody(this.toolbarEl); } else{ Util.DOM.appendChild(this.toolbarEl,; } Util.DOM.hide(this.toolbarEl); this.closeEl = Util.DOM.find('.' + PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.CssClasses.close, this.toolbarEl)[0]; if (this.settings.preventHide && !Util.isNothing(this.closeEl)){ Util.DOM.hide(this.closeEl); } this.playEl = Util.DOM.find('.' +, this.toolbarEl)[0]; if (this.settings.preventSlideshow && !Util.isNothing(this.playEl)){ Util.DOM.hide(this.playEl); } this.nextEl = Util.DOM.find('.' +, this.toolbarEl)[0]; this.previousEl = Util.DOM.find('.' + PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.CssClasses.previous, this.toolbarEl)[0]; // Caption cssClass = PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.CssClasses.caption; if (this.settings.captionAndToolbarFlipPosition){ cssClass = cssClass + ' ' + PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.CssClasses.captionBottom; } this.captionEl = Util.DOM.createElement( 'div', { 'class': cssClass }, '' ); Util.DOM.setStyle(this.captionEl, { left: 0, position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: this.settings.zIndex }); if ( === window){ Util.DOM.appendToBody(this.captionEl); } else{ Util.DOM.appendChild(this.captionEl,; } Util.DOM.hide(this.captionEl); this.captionContentEl = Util.DOM.createElement( 'div', { 'class': PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.CssClasses.captionContent }, '' ); Util.DOM.appendChild(this.captionContentEl, this.captionEl); this.addEventHandlers(); }, /* * Function: resetPosition */ resetPosition: function(){ var width, toolbarTop, captionTop; if ( === window){ if (this.settings.captionAndToolbarFlipPosition){ toolbarTop = Util.DOM.windowScrollTop(); captionTop = (Util.DOM.windowScrollTop() + Util.DOM.windowHeight()) - Util.DOM.height(this.captionEl); } else { toolbarTop = (Util.DOM.windowScrollTop() + Util.DOM.windowHeight()) - Util.DOM.height(this.toolbarEl); captionTop = Util.DOM.windowScrollTop(); } width = Util.DOM.windowWidth(); } else{ if (this.settings.captionAndToolbarFlipPosition){ toolbarTop = '0'; captionTop = Util.DOM.height( - Util.DOM.height(this.captionEl); } else{ toolbarTop = Util.DOM.height( - Util.DOM.height(this.toolbarEl); captionTop = 0; } width = Util.DOM.width(; } Util.DOM.setStyle(this.toolbarEl, { top: toolbarTop + 'px', width: width }); Util.DOM.setStyle(this.captionEl, { top: captionTop + 'px', width: width }); }, /* * Function: toggleVisibility */ toggleVisibility: function(index){ if (this.isVisible){ this.fadeOut(); } else{; } }, /* * Function: show */ show: function(index){ Util.Animation.stop(this.toolbarEl); Util.Animation.stop(this.captionEl); this.resetPosition(); this.setToolbarStatus(index);, { type: PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.EventTypes.onBeforeShow, target: this }); this.showToolbar(); this.setCaption(index); this.showCaption(); this.isVisible = true; this.setTimeout();, { type: PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.EventTypes.onShow, target: this }); }, /* * Function: setTimeout */ setTimeout: function(){ if (this.settings.captionAndToolbarAutoHideDelay > 0){ // Set a timeout to hide the toolbar this.clearTimeout(); this.timeout = window.setTimeout(this.fadeOut.bind(this), this.settings.captionAndToolbarAutoHideDelay); } }, /* * Function: clearTimeout */ clearTimeout: function(){ if (!Util.isNothing(this.timeout)){ window.clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = null; } }, /* * Function: fadeOut */ fadeOut: function(){ this.clearTimeout();, { type: PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.EventTypes.onBeforeHide, target: this }); Util.Animation.fadeOut(this.toolbarEl, this.settings.fadeOutSpeed); Util.Animation.fadeOut(this.captionEl, this.settings.fadeOutSpeed, this.fadeOutHandler); this.isVisible = false; }, /* * Function: addEventHandlers */ addEventHandlers: function(){ if (Util.Browser.isTouchSupported){ if (!Util.Browser.blackberry){ // Had an issue with touchstart, animation and Blackberry. BB will default to click Util.Events.add(this.toolbarEl, 'touchstart', this.touchStartHandler); } Util.Events.add(this.toolbarEl, 'touchmove', this.touchMoveHandler); Util.Events.add(this.captionEl, 'touchmove', this.touchMoveHandler); } Util.Events.add(this.toolbarEl, 'click', this.clickHandler); }, /* * Function: removeEventHandlers */ removeEventHandlers: function(){ if (Util.Browser.isTouchSupported){ if (!Util.Browser.blackberry){ // Had an issue with touchstart, animation and Blackberry. BB will default to click Util.Events.remove(this.toolbarEl, 'touchstart', this.touchStartHandler); } Util.Events.remove(this.toolbarEl, 'touchmove', this.touchMoveHandler); Util.Events.remove(this.captionEl, 'touchmove', this.touchMoveHandler); } Util.Events.remove(this.toolbarEl, 'click', this.clickHandler); }, /* * Function: handleTap */ handleTap: function(e){ this.clearTimeout(); var action; if ( === this.nextEl || Util.DOM.isChildOf(, this.nextEl)){ action =; } else if ( === this.previousEl || Util.DOM.isChildOf(, this.previousEl)){ action = PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.ToolbarAction.previous; } else if ( === this.closeEl || Util.DOM.isChildOf(, this.closeEl)){ action = PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.ToolbarAction.close; } else if ( === this.playEl || Util.DOM.isChildOf(, this.playEl)){ action =; } this.setTimeout(); if (Util.isNothing(action)){ action = PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.ToolbarAction.none; }, { type: PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.EventTypes.onTap, target: this, action: action, tapTarget: }); }, /* * Function: setCaption */ setCaption: function(index){ Util.DOM.removeChildren(this.captionContentEl); this.currentCaption = Util.coalesce(this.cache.images[index].caption, '\u00A0'); if (Util.isObject(this.currentCaption)){ Util.DOM.appendChild(this.currentCaption, this.captionContentEl); } else{ if (this.currentCaption === ''){ this.currentCaption = '\u00A0'; } Util.DOM.appendText(this.currentCaption, this.captionContentEl); } this.currentCaption = (this.currentCaption === '\u00A0') ? '' : this.currentCaption; this.resetPosition(); }, /* * Function: showToolbar */ showToolbar: function(){ Util.DOM.setStyle(this.toolbarEl, { opacity: this.settings.captionAndToolbarOpacity });; }, /* * Function: showCaption */ showCaption: function(){ if (this.currentCaption === '' || this.captionContentEl.childNodes.length < 1){ // Empty caption if (!this.settings.captionAndToolbarShowEmptyCaptions){ Util.DOM.hide(this.captionEl); return; } } Util.DOM.setStyle(this.captionEl, { opacity: this.settings.captionAndToolbarOpacity });; }, /* * Function: setToolbarStatus */ setToolbarStatus: function(index){ if (this.settings.loop){ return; } Util.DOM.removeClass(this.previousEl, PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.CssClasses.previousDisabled); Util.DOM.removeClass(this.nextEl, PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.CssClasses.nextDisabled); if (index > 0 && index < this.cache.images.length-1){ return; } if (index === 0){ if (!Util.isNothing(this.previousEl)){ Util.DOM.addClass(this.previousEl, PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.CssClasses.previousDisabled); } } if (index === this.cache.images.length-1){ if (!Util.isNothing(this.nextEl)){ Util.DOM.addClass(this.nextEl, PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.CssClasses.nextDisabled); } } }, /* * Function: onFadeOut */ onFadeOut: function(){ Util.DOM.hide(this.toolbarEl); Util.DOM.hide(this.captionEl);, { type: PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.EventTypes.onHide, target: this }); }, /* * Function: onTouchStart */ onTouchStart: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); Util.Events.remove(this.toolbarEl, 'click', this.clickHandler); this.handleTap(e); }, /* * Function: onTouchMove */ onTouchMove: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }, /* * Function: onClick */ onClick: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); this.handleTap(e); } }); } ( window, window.klass, window.Code.Util ));// Copyright (c) 2012 by Code Computerlove ( // Licensed under the MIT license // version: 3.0.5 (function(window, klass, Util){ Util.registerNamespace('Code.PhotoSwipe.UILayer'); var PhotoSwipe = window.Code.PhotoSwipe; PhotoSwipe.UILayer.CssClasses = { uiLayer: 'ps-uilayer' }; } ( window, window.klass, window.Code.Util ));// Copyright (c) 2012 by Code Computerlove ( // Licensed under the MIT license // version: 3.0.5 (function(window, klass, Util){ Util.registerNamespace('Code.PhotoSwipe.UILayer'); var PhotoSwipe = window.Code.PhotoSwipe; PhotoSwipe.UILayer.UILayerClass = Util.TouchElement.TouchElementClass.extend({ el: null, settings: null, /* * Function: dispose */ dispose: function(){ var prop; this.removeEventHandlers(); Util.DOM.removeChild(this.el, this.el.parentNode); for (prop in this) { if (Util.objectHasProperty(this, prop)) { this[prop] = null; } } }, /* * Function: initialize */ initialize: function(options){ this.settings = options; // Main container this.el = Util.DOM.createElement( 'div', { 'class': PhotoSwipe.UILayer.CssClasses.uiLayer }, '' ); Util.DOM.setStyle(this.el, { display: 'block', position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0, overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: this.settings.zIndex, opacity: 0 }); Util.DOM.hide(this.el); if ( === window){ Util.DOM.appendToBody(this.el); } else{ Util.DOM.appendChild(this.el,; } this.supr(this.el, { swipe: true, move: true, gesture: Util.Browser.iOS, doubleTap: true, preventDefaultTouchEvents: this.settings.preventDefaultTouchEvents }); }, /* * Function: resetPosition */ resetPosition: function(){ // Set the height and width to fill the document if ( === window){ Util.DOM.setStyle(this.el, { top: Util.DOM.windowScrollTop() + 'px', width: Util.DOM.windowWidth(), height: Util.DOM.windowHeight() }); } else{ Util.DOM.setStyle(this.el, { top: '0px', width: Util.DOM.width(, height: Util.DOM.height( }); } }, /* * Function: show */ show: function(){ this.resetPosition();; this.addEventHandlers(); }, /* * Function: addEventHandlers */ addEventHandlers: function(){ this.supr(); }, /* * Function: removeEventHandlers */ removeEventHandlers: function(){ this.supr(); } }); } ( window, window.klass, window.Code.Util ));// Copyright (c) 2012 by Code Computerlove ( // Licensed under the MIT license // version: 3.0.5 (function(window, klass, Util){ Util.registerNamespace('Code.PhotoSwipe.ZoomPanRotate'); var PhotoSwipe = window.Code.PhotoSwipe; PhotoSwipe.ZoomPanRotate.CssClasses = { zoomPanRotate: 'ps-zoom-pan-rotate' }; PhotoSwipe.ZoomPanRotate.EventTypes = { onTransform: 'PhotoSwipeZoomPanRotateOnTransform' }; } ( window, window.klass, window.Code.Util ));// Copyright (c) 2012 by Code Computerlove ( // Licensed under the MIT license // version: 3.0.5 (function(window, klass, Util){ Util.registerNamespace('Code.PhotoSwipe.ZoomPanRotate'); var PhotoSwipe = window.Code.PhotoSwipe; PhotoSwipe.ZoomPanRotate.ZoomPanRotateClass = klass({ el: null, settings: null, containerEl: null, imageEl: null, transformSettings: null, panStartingPoint: null, transformEl: null, /* * Function: dispose */ dispose: function(){ var prop; Util.DOM.removeChild(this.el, this.el.parentNode); for (prop in this) { if (Util.objectHasProperty(this, prop)) { this[prop] = null; } } }, /* * Function: initialize */ initialize: function(options, cacheImage, uiLayer){ var parentEl, width, height, top; this.settings = options; if ( === window){ parentEl = document.body; width = Util.DOM.windowWidth(); height = Util.DOM.windowHeight(); top = Util.DOM.windowScrollTop() + 'px'; } else{ parentEl =; width = Util.DOM.width(parentEl); height = Util.DOM.height(parentEl); top = '0px'; } this.imageEl = cacheImage.imageEl.cloneNode(false); Util.DOM.setStyle(this.imageEl, { zIndex: 1 }); this.transformSettings = { startingScale: 1.0, scale: 1.0, startingRotation: 0, rotation: 0, startingTranslateX: 0, startingTranslateY: 0, translateX: 0, translateY: 0 }; this.el = Util.DOM.createElement( 'div', { 'class': PhotoSwipe.ZoomPanRotate.CssClasses.zoomPanRotate }, '' ); Util.DOM.setStyle(this.el, { left: 0, top: top, position: 'absolute', width: width, height: height, zIndex: this.settings.zIndex, display: 'block' }); Util.DOM.insertBefore(this.el, uiLayer.el, parentEl); if (Util.Browser.iOS){ this.containerEl = Util.DOM.createElement('div','',''); Util.DOM.setStyle(this.containerEl, { left: 0, top: 0, width: width, height: height, position: 'absolute', zIndex: 1 }); Util.DOM.appendChild(this.imageEl, this.containerEl); Util.DOM.appendChild(this.containerEl, this.el); Util.Animation.resetTranslate(this.containerEl); Util.Animation.resetTranslate(this.imageEl); this.transformEl = this.containerEl; } else{ Util.DOM.appendChild(this.imageEl, this.el); this.transformEl = this.imageEl; } }, /* * Function: setStartingTranslateFromCurrentTransform */ setStartingTranslateFromCurrentTransform: function(){ var transformValue = Util.coalesce(,,, transformExploded; if (!Util.isNothing(transformValue)){ transformExploded = transformValue.match( /translate\((.*?)\)/ ); if (!Util.isNothing(transformExploded)){ transformExploded = transformExploded[1].split(', '); this.transformSettings.startingTranslateX = window.parseInt(transformExploded[0], 10); this.transformSettings.startingTranslateY = window.parseInt(transformExploded[1], 10); } } }, /* * Function: getScale */ getScale: function(scaleValue){ var scale = this.transformSettings.startingScale * scaleValue; if (this.settings.minUserZoom !== 0 && scale < this.settings.minUserZoom){ scale = this.settings.minUserZoom; } else if (this.settings.maxUserZoom !== 0 && scale > this.settings.maxUserZoom){ scale = this.settings.maxUserZoom; } return scale; }, /* * Function: setStartingScaleAndRotation */ setStartingScaleAndRotation: function(scaleValue, rotationValue){ this.transformSettings.startingScale = this.getScale(scaleValue); this.transformSettings.startingRotation = (this.transformSettings.startingRotation + rotationValue) % 360; }, /* * Function: zoomRotate */ zoomRotate: function(scaleValue, rotationValue){ this.transformSettings.scale = this.getScale(scaleValue); this.transformSettings.rotation = this.transformSettings.startingRotation + rotationValue; this.applyTransform(); }, /* * Function: panStart */ panStart: function(point){ this.setStartingTranslateFromCurrentTransform(); this.panStartingPoint = { x: point.x, y: point.y }; }, /* * Function: pan */ pan: function(point){ var dx = point.x - this.panStartingPoint.x, dy = point.y - this.panStartingPoint.y, dxScaleAdjust = dx / this.transformSettings.scale , dyScaleAdjust = dy / this.transformSettings.scale; this.transformSettings.translateX = this.transformSettings.startingTranslateX + dxScaleAdjust; this.transformSettings.translateY = this.transformSettings.startingTranslateY + dyScaleAdjust; this.applyTransform(); }, /* * Function: zoomAndPanToPoint */ zoomAndPanToPoint: function(scaleValue, point){ if ( === window){ this.panStart({ x: Util.DOM.windowWidth() / 2, y: Util.DOM.windowHeight() / 2 }); var dx = point.x - this.panStartingPoint.x, dy = point.y - this.panStartingPoint.y, dxScaleAdjust = dx / this.transformSettings.scale, dyScaleAdjust = dy / this.transformSettings.scale; this.transformSettings.translateX = (this.transformSettings.startingTranslateX + dxScaleAdjust) * -1; this.transformSettings.translateY = (this.transformSettings.startingTranslateY + dyScaleAdjust) * -1; } this.setStartingScaleAndRotation(scaleValue, 0); this.transformSettings.scale = this.transformSettings.startingScale; this.transformSettings.rotation = 0; this.applyTransform(); }, /* * Function: applyTransform */ applyTransform: function(){ var rotationDegs = this.transformSettings.rotation % 360, translateX = window.parseInt(this.transformSettings.translateX, 10), translateY = window.parseInt(this.transformSettings.translateY, 10), transform = 'scale(' + this.transformSettings.scale + ') rotate(' + rotationDegs + 'deg) translate(' + translateX + 'px, ' + translateY + 'px)'; Util.DOM.setStyle(this.transformEl, { webkitTransform: transform, MozTransform: transform, msTransform: transform, transform: transform });, { target: this, type: PhotoSwipe.ZoomPanRotate.EventTypes.onTransform, scale: this.transformSettings.scale, rotation: this.transformSettings.rotation, rotationDegs: rotationDegs, translateX: translateX, translateY: translateY }); } }); } ( window, window.klass, window.Code.Util ));// Copyright (c) 2012 by Code Computerlove ( // Licensed under the MIT license // version: 3.0.5 (function(window, Util){ Util.registerNamespace('Code.PhotoSwipe'); var PhotoSwipe = window.Code.PhotoSwipe; PhotoSwipe.CssClasses = { buildingBody: 'ps-building', activeBody: 'ps-active' }; PhotoSwipe.EventTypes = { onBeforeShow: 'PhotoSwipeOnBeforeShow', onShow: 'PhotoSwipeOnShow', onBeforeHide: 'PhotoSwipeOnBeforeHide', onHide: 'PhotoSwipeOnHide', onDisplayImage: 'PhotoSwipeOnDisplayImage', onResetPosition: 'PhotoSwipeOnResetPosition', onSlideshowStart: 'PhotoSwipeOnSlideshowStart', onSlideshowStop: 'PhotoSwipeOnSlideshowStop', onTouch: 'PhotoSwipeOnTouch', onBeforeCaptionAndToolbarShow: 'PhotoSwipeOnBeforeCaptionAndToolbarShow', onCaptionAndToolbarShow: 'PhotoSwipeOnCaptionAndToolbarShow', onBeforeCaptionAndToolbarHide: 'PhotoSwipeOnBeforeCaptionAndToolbarHide', onCaptionAndToolbarHide: 'PhotoSwipeOnCaptionAndToolbarHide', onToolbarTap: 'PhotoSwipeOnToolbarTap', onBeforeZoomPanRotateShow: 'PhotoSwipeOnBeforeZoomPanRotateShow', onZoomPanRotateShow: 'PhotoSwipeOnZoomPanRotateShow', onBeforeZoomPanRotateHide: 'PhotoSwipeOnBeforeZoomPanRotateHide', onZoomPanRotateHide: 'PhotoSwipeOnZoomPanRotateHide', onZoomPanRotateTransform: 'PhotoSwipeOnZoomPanRotateTransform' }; PhotoSwipe.instances = []; PhotoSwipe.activeInstances = []; /* * Function: Code.PhotoSwipe.setActivateInstance */ PhotoSwipe.setActivateInstance = function(instance){ // Can only have one instance per target (i.e. window or div) var index = Util.arrayIndexOf(, PhotoSwipe.activeInstances, 'target'); if (index > -1){ throw 'Code.PhotoSwipe.activateInstance: Unable to active instance as another instance is already active for this target'; } PhotoSwipe.activeInstances.push({ target:, instance: instance }); }; /* * Function: Code.PhotoSwipe.unsetActivateInstance */ PhotoSwipe.unsetActivateInstance = function(instance){ var index = Util.arrayIndexOf(instance, PhotoSwipe.activeInstances, 'instance'); PhotoSwipe.activeInstances.splice(index, 1); }; /* * Function: Code.PhotoSwipe.attach */ PhotoSwipe.attach = function(images, options, id){ var i, j, instance, image; instance = PhotoSwipe.createInstance(images, options, id); // Add click event handlers if applicable for (i=0, j=images.length; i= 2.1){ this.isBackEventSupported = true; } } if (!this.isBackEventSupported){ this.isBackEventSupported = Util.objectHasProperty(window, 'onhashchange'); } this.settings = { // General fadeInSpeed: 250, fadeOutSpeed: 250, preventHide: false, preventSlideshow: false, zIndex: 1000, backButtonHideEnabled: true, enableKeyboard: true, enableMouseWheel: true, mouseWheelSpeed: 350, autoStartSlideshow: false, jQueryMobile: ( !Util.isNothing(window.jQuery) && !Util.isNothing( ), jQueryMobileDialogHash: '&ui-state=dialog', enableUIWebViewRepositionTimeout: false, uiWebViewResetPositionDelay: 500, target: window, preventDefaultTouchEvents: true, // Carousel loop: true, slideSpeed: 250, nextPreviousSlideSpeed: 0, enableDrag: true, swipeThreshold: 50, swipeTimeThreshold: 250, slideTimingFunction: 'ease-out', slideshowDelay: 3000, doubleTapSpeed: 250, margin: 20, imageScaleMethod: 'fit', // Either "fit", "fitNoUpscale" or "zoom", // Toolbar captionAndToolbarHide: false, captionAndToolbarFlipPosition: false, captionAndToolbarAutoHideDelay: 5000, captionAndToolbarOpacity: 0.8, captionAndToolbarShowEmptyCaptions: true, getToolbar: PhotoSwipe.Toolbar.getToolbar, // ZoomPanRotate allowUserZoom: true, allowRotationOnUserZoom: false, maxUserZoom: 5.0, minUserZoom: 0.5, doubleTapZoomLevel: 2.5, // Cache getImageSource: PhotoSwipe.Cache.Functions.getImageSource, getImageCaption: PhotoSwipe.Cache.Functions.getImageCaption, getImageMetaData: PhotoSwipe.Cache.Functions.getImageMetaData, cacheMode: PhotoSwipe.Cache.Mode.normal }; Util.extend(this.settings, options); if ( !== window){ targetPosition = Util.DOM.getStyle(, 'position'); if (targetPosition !== 'relative' || targetPosition !== 'absolute'){ Util.DOM.setStyle(, 'position', 'relative'); } } if ( !== window){ this.isBackEventSupported = false; this.settings.backButtonHideEnabled = false; } else{ if (this.settings.preventHide){ this.settings.backButtonHideEnabled = false; } } this.cache = new Cache.CacheClass(images, this.settings); }, /* * Function: show */ show: function(obj){ var i, j; this._isResettingPosition = false; this.backButtonClicked = false; // Work out what the starting index is if (Util.isNumber(obj)){ this.currentIndex = obj; } else{ this.currentIndex = -1; for (i=0, j=this.originalImages.length; i this.originalImages.length-1){ throw " Starting index out of range"; } // Store a reference to the current window dimensions // Use this later to double check that a window has actually // been resized. this.isAlreadyGettingPage = this.getWindowDimensions(); // Set this instance to be the active instance PhotoSwipe.setActivateInstance(this); this.windowDimensions = this.getWindowDimensions(); // Create components if ( === window){ Util.DOM.addClass(window.document.body, PhotoSwipe.CssClasses.buildingBody); } else{ Util.DOM.addClass(, PhotoSwipe.CssClasses.buildingBody); } this.createComponents();, { type: PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onBeforeShow, target: this }); // Fade in the document overlay this.documentOverlay.fadeIn(this.settings.fadeInSpeed, this.onDocumentOverlayFadeIn.bind(this)); }, /* * Function: getWindowDimensions */ getWindowDimensions: function(){ return { width: Util.DOM.windowWidth(), height: Util.DOM.windowHeight() }; }, /* * Function: createComponents */ createComponents: function(){ this.documentOverlay = new DocumentOverlay.DocumentOverlayClass(this.settings); this.carousel = new Carousel.CarouselClass(this.cache, this.settings); this.uiLayer = new UILayer.UILayerClass(this.settings); if (!this.settings.captionAndToolbarHide){ this.toolbar = new Toolbar.ToolbarClass(this.cache, this.settings); } }, /* * Function: resetPosition */ resetPosition: function(){ if (this._isResettingPosition){ return; } var newWindowDimensions = this.getWindowDimensions(); if (!Util.isNothing(this.windowDimensions)){ if (newWindowDimensions.width === this.windowDimensions.width && newWindowDimensions.height === this.windowDimensions.height){ // This was added as a fudge for iOS return; } } this._isResettingPosition = true; this.windowDimensions = newWindowDimensions; this.destroyZoomPanRotate(); this.documentOverlay.resetPosition(); this.carousel.resetPosition(); if (!Util.isNothing(this.toolbar)){ this.toolbar.resetPosition(); } this.uiLayer.resetPosition(); this._isResettingPosition = false;, { type: PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onResetPosition, target: this }); }, /* * Function: addEventHandler */ addEventHandler: function(type, handler){ Util.Events.add(this, type, handler); }, /* * Function: addEventHandlers */ addEventHandlers: function(){ if (Util.isNothing(this.windowOrientationChangeHandler)){ this.windowOrientationChangeHandler = this.onWindowOrientationChange.bind(this); this.windowScrollHandler = this.onWindowScroll.bind(this); this.keyDownHandler = this.onKeyDown.bind(this); this.windowHashChangeHandler = this.onWindowHashChange.bind(this); this.uiLayerTouchHandler = this.onUILayerTouch.bind(this); this.carouselSlideByEndHandler = this.onCarouselSlideByEnd.bind(this); this.carouselSlideshowStartHandler = this.onCarouselSlideshowStart.bind(this); this.carouselSlideshowStopHandler = this.onCarouselSlideshowStop.bind(this); this.toolbarTapHandler = this.onToolbarTap.bind(this); this.toolbarBeforeShowHandler = this.onToolbarBeforeShow.bind(this); this.toolbarShowHandler = this.onToolbarShow.bind(this); this.toolbarBeforeHideHandler = this.onToolbarBeforeHide.bind(this); this.toolbarHideHandler = this.onToolbarHide.bind(this); this.mouseWheelHandler = this.onMouseWheel.bind(this); this.zoomPanRotateTransformHandler = this.onZoomPanRotateTransform.bind(this); } // Set window handlers if ({ // For some reason, resize was more stable than orientationchange in Android this.orientationEventName = 'resize'; } else if (Util.Browser.iOS && (!Util.Browser.safari)){ Util.Events.add(window.document.body, 'orientationchange', this.windowOrientationChangeHandler); } else{ var supportsOrientationChange = !Util.isNothing(window.onorientationchange); this.orientationEventName = supportsOrientationChange ? 'orientationchange' : 'resize'; } if (!Util.isNothing(this.orientationEventName)){ Util.Events.add(window, this.orientationEventName, this.windowOrientationChangeHandler); } if ( === window){ Util.Events.add(window, 'scroll', this.windowScrollHandler); } if (this.settings.enableKeyboard){ Util.Events.add(window.document, 'keydown', this.keyDownHandler); } if (this.isBackEventSupported && this.settings.backButtonHideEnabled){ this.windowHashChangeHandler = this.onWindowHashChange.bind(this); if (this.settings.jQueryMobile){ window.location.hash = this.settings.jQueryMobileDialogHash; } else{ this.currentHistoryHashValue = 'PhotoSwipe' + new Date().getTime().toString(); window.location.hash = this.currentHistoryHashValue; } Util.Events.add(window, 'hashchange', this.windowHashChangeHandler); } if (this.settings.enableMouseWheel){ Util.Events.add(window, 'mousewheel', this.mouseWheelHandler); } Util.Events.add(this.uiLayer, Util.TouchElement.EventTypes.onTouch, this.uiLayerTouchHandler); Util.Events.add(this.carousel, Carousel.EventTypes.onSlideByEnd, this.carouselSlideByEndHandler); Util.Events.add(this.carousel, Carousel.EventTypes.onSlideshowStart, this.carouselSlideshowStartHandler); Util.Events.add(this.carousel, Carousel.EventTypes.onSlideshowStop, this.carouselSlideshowStopHandler); if (!Util.isNothing(this.toolbar)){ Util.Events.add(this.toolbar, Toolbar.EventTypes.onTap, this.toolbarTapHandler); Util.Events.add(this.toolbar, Toolbar.EventTypes.onBeforeShow, this.toolbarBeforeShowHandler); Util.Events.add(this.toolbar, Toolbar.EventTypes.onShow, this.toolbarShowHandler); Util.Events.add(this.toolbar, Toolbar.EventTypes.onBeforeHide, this.toolbarBeforeHideHandler); Util.Events.add(this.toolbar, Toolbar.EventTypes.onHide, this.toolbarHideHandler); } }, /* * Function: removeEventHandlers */ removeEventHandlers: function(){ if (Util.Browser.iOS && (!Util.Browser.safari)){ Util.Events.remove(window.document.body, 'orientationchange', this.windowOrientationChangeHandler); } if (!Util.isNothing(this.orientationEventName)){ Util.Events.remove(window, this.orientationEventName, this.windowOrientationChangeHandler); } Util.Events.remove(window, 'scroll', this.windowScrollHandler); if (this.settings.enableKeyboard){ Util.Events.remove(window.document, 'keydown', this.keyDownHandler); } if (this.isBackEventSupported && this.settings.backButtonHideEnabled){ Util.Events.remove(window, 'hashchange', this.windowHashChangeHandler); } if (this.settings.enableMouseWheel){ Util.Events.remove(window, 'mousewheel', this.mouseWheelHandler); } if (!Util.isNothing(this.uiLayer)){ Util.Events.remove(this.uiLayer, Util.TouchElement.EventTypes.onTouch, this.uiLayerTouchHandler); } if (!Util.isNothing(this.toolbar)){ Util.Events.remove(this.carousel, Carousel.EventTypes.onSlideByEnd, this.carouselSlideByEndHandler); Util.Events.remove(this.carousel, Carousel.EventTypes.onSlideshowStart, this.carouselSlideshowStartHandler); Util.Events.remove(this.carousel, Carousel.EventTypes.onSlideshowStop, this.carouselSlideshowStopHandler); } if (!Util.isNothing(this.toolbar)){ Util.Events.remove(this.toolbar, Toolbar.EventTypes.onTap, this.toolbarTapHandler); Util.Events.remove(this.toolbar, Toolbar.EventTypes.onBeforeShow, this.toolbarBeforeShowHandler); Util.Events.remove(this.toolbar, Toolbar.EventTypes.onShow, this.toolbarShowHandler); Util.Events.remove(this.toolbar, Toolbar.EventTypes.onBeforeHide, this.toolbarBeforeHideHandler); Util.Events.remove(this.toolbar, Toolbar.EventTypes.onHide, this.toolbarHideHandler); } }, /* * Function: hide */ hide: function(){ if (this.settings.preventHide){ return; } if (Util.isNothing(this.documentOverlay)){ throw "Code.PhotoSwipe.PhotoSwipeClass.hide: PhotoSwipe instance is already hidden"; } if (!Util.isNothing(this.hiding)){ return; } this.clearUIWebViewResetPositionTimeout(); this.destroyZoomPanRotate(); this.removeEventHandlers();, { type: PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onBeforeHide, target: this }); this.uiLayer.dispose(); this.uiLayer = null; if (!Util.isNothing(this.toolbar)){ this.toolbar.dispose(); this.toolbar = null; } this.carousel.dispose(); this.carousel = null; Util.DOM.removeClass(window.document.body, PhotoSwipe.CssClasses.activeBody); this.documentOverlay.dispose(); this.documentOverlay = null; this._isResettingPosition = false; // Deactive this instance PhotoSwipe.unsetActivateInstance(this);, { type: PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onHide, target: this }); this.goBackInHistory(); }, /* * Function: goBackInHistory */ goBackInHistory: function(){ if (this.isBackEventSupported && this.settings.backButtonHideEnabled){ if ( !this.backButtonClicked ){ window.history.back(); } } }, /* * Function: play */ play: function(){ if (this.isZoomActive()){ return; } if (!this.settings.preventSlideshow){ if (!Util.isNothing(this.carousel)){ if (!Util.isNothing(this.toolbar) && this.toolbar.isVisible){ this.toolbar.fadeOut(); } this.carousel.startSlideshow(); } } }, /* * Function: stop */ stop: function(){ if (this.isZoomActive()){ return; } if (!Util.isNothing(this.carousel)){ this.carousel.stopSlideshow(); } }, /* * Function: previous */ previous: function(){ if (this.isZoomActive()){ return; } if (!Util.isNothing(this.carousel)){ this.carousel.previous(); } }, /* * Function: next */ next: function(){ if (this.isZoomActive()){ return; } if (!Util.isNothing(this.carousel)){; } }, /* * Function: toggleToolbar */ toggleToolbar: function(){ if (this.isZoomActive()){ return; } if (!Util.isNothing(this.toolbar)){ this.toolbar.toggleVisibility(this.currentIndex); } }, /* * Function: fadeOutToolbarIfVisible */ fadeOutToolbarIfVisible: function(){ if (!Util.isNothing(this.toolbar) && this.toolbar.isVisible && this.settings.captionAndToolbarAutoHideDelay > 0){ this.toolbar.fadeOut(); } }, /* * Function: createZoomPanRotate */ createZoomPanRotate: function(){ this.stop(); if (this.canUserZoom() && !this.isZoomActive()){, PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onBeforeZoomPanRotateShow); this.zoomPanRotate = new ZoomPanRotate.ZoomPanRotateClass( this.settings, this.cache.images[this.currentIndex], this.uiLayer ); // If we don't override this in the event of false // you will be unable to pan around a zoomed image effectively this.uiLayer.captureSettings.preventDefaultTouchEvents = true; Util.Events.add(this.zoomPanRotate, PhotoSwipe.ZoomPanRotate.EventTypes.onTransform, this.zoomPanRotateTransformHandler);, PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onZoomPanRotateShow); if (!Util.isNothing(this.toolbar) && this.toolbar.isVisible){ this.toolbar.fadeOut(); } } }, /* * Function: destroyZoomPanRotate */ destroyZoomPanRotate: function(){ if (!Util.isNothing(this.zoomPanRotate)){, PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onBeforeZoomPanRotateHide); Util.Events.remove(this.zoomPanRotate, PhotoSwipe.ZoomPanRotate.EventTypes.onTransform, this.zoomPanRotateTransformHandler); this.zoomPanRotate.dispose(); this.zoomPanRotate = null; // Set the preventDefaultTouchEvents back to it was this.uiLayer.captureSettings.preventDefaultTouchEvents = this.settings.preventDefaultTouchEvents;, PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onZoomPanRotateHide); } }, /* * Function: canUserZoom */ canUserZoom: function(){ var testEl, cacheImage; if (Util.Browser.msie){ testEl = document.createElement('div'); if (Util.isNothing({ return false; } } else if (!Util.Browser.isCSSTransformSupported){ return false; } if (!this.settings.allowUserZoom){ return false; } if (this.carousel.isSliding){ return false; } cacheImage = this.cache.images[this.currentIndex]; if (Util.isNothing(cacheImage)){ return false; } if (cacheImage.isLoading){ return false; } return true; }, /* * Function: isZoomActive */ isZoomActive: function(){ return (!Util.isNothing(this.zoomPanRotate)); }, /* * Function: getCurrentImage */ getCurrentImage: function(){ return this.cache.images[this.currentIndex]; }, /* * Function: onDocumentOverlayFadeIn */ onDocumentOverlayFadeIn: function(e){ window.setTimeout(function(){ var el = ( === window) ? window.document.body :; Util.DOM.removeClass(el, PhotoSwipe.CssClasses.buildingBody); Util.DOM.addClass(el, PhotoSwipe.CssClasses.activeBody); this.addEventHandlers();;; if (this.settings.autoStartSlideshow){; } else if (!Util.isNothing(this.toolbar)){; }, { type: PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onShow, target: this }); this.setUIWebViewResetPositionTimeout(); }.bind(this), 250); }, /* * Function: setUIWebViewResetPositionTimeout */ setUIWebViewResetPositionTimeout: function(){ if (!this.settings.enableUIWebViewRepositionTimeout){ return; } if (!(Util.Browser.iOS && (!Util.Browser.safari))){ return; } if (!Util.isNothing(this._uiWebViewResetPositionTimeout)){ window.clearTimeout(this._uiWebViewResetPositionTimeout); } this._uiWebViewResetPositionTimeout = window.setTimeout(function(){ this.resetPosition(); this.setUIWebViewResetPositionTimeout(); }.bind(this), this.settings.uiWebViewResetPositionDelay); }, /* * Function: clearUIWebViewResetPositionTimeout */ clearUIWebViewResetPositionTimeout: function(){ if (!Util.isNothing(this._uiWebViewResetPositionTimeout)){ window.clearTimeout(this._uiWebViewResetPositionTimeout); } }, /* * Function: onWindowScroll */ onWindowScroll: function(e){ this.resetPosition(); }, /* * Function: onWindowOrientationChange */ onWindowOrientationChange: function(e){ this.resetPosition(); }, /* * Function: onWindowHashChange */ onWindowHashChange: function(e){ var compareHash = '#' + ((this.settings.jQueryMobile) ? this.settings.jQueryMobileDialogHash : this.currentHistoryHashValue); if (window.location.hash !== compareHash){ this.backButtonClicked = true; this.hide(); } }, /* * Function: onKeyDown */ onKeyDown: function(e){ if (e.keyCode === 37) { // Left e.preventDefault(); this.previous(); } else if (e.keyCode === 39) { // Right e.preventDefault();; } else if (e.keyCode === 38 || e.keyCode === 40) { // Up and down e.preventDefault(); } else if (e.keyCode === 27) { // Escape e.preventDefault(); this.hide(); } else if (e.keyCode === 32) { // Spacebar if (!this.settings.hideToolbar){ this.toggleToolbar(); } else{ this.hide(); } e.preventDefault(); } else if (e.keyCode === 13) { // Enter e.preventDefault();; } }, /* * Function: onUILayerTouch */ onUILayerTouch: function(e){ if (this.isZoomActive()){ switch (e.action){ case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.gestureChange: this.zoomPanRotate.zoomRotate(e.scale, (this.settings.allowRotationOnUserZoom) ? e.rotation : 0); break; case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.gestureEnd: this.zoomPanRotate.setStartingScaleAndRotation(e.scale, (this.settings.allowRotationOnUserZoom) ? e.rotation : 0); break; case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.touchStart: this.zoomPanRotate.panStart(e.point); break; case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.touchMove: this.zoomPanRotate.pan(e.point); break; case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.doubleTap: this.destroyZoomPanRotate(); this.toggleToolbar(); break; case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.swipeLeft: this.destroyZoomPanRotate();; this.toggleToolbar(); break; case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.swipeRight: this.destroyZoomPanRotate(); this.previous(); this.toggleToolbar(); break; } } else{ switch (e.action){ case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.touchMove: case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.swipeLeft: case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.swipeRight: // Hide the toolbar if need be this.fadeOutToolbarIfVisible(); // Pass the touch onto the carousel this.carousel.onTouch(e.action, e.point); break; case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.touchStart: case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.touchMoveEnd: // Pass the touch onto the carousel this.carousel.onTouch(e.action, e.point); break; case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.tap: this.toggleToolbar(); break; case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.doubleTap: // Take into consideration the window scroll if ( === window){ e.point.x -= Util.DOM.windowScrollLeft(); e.point.y -= Util.DOM.windowScrollTop(); } // Just make sure that if the user clicks out of the image // that the image does not pan out of view! var cacheImageEl = this.cache.images[this.currentIndex].imageEl, imageTop = window.parseInt(Util.DOM.getStyle(cacheImageEl, 'top'), 10), imageLeft = window.parseInt(Util.DOM.getStyle(cacheImageEl, 'left'), 10), imageRight = imageLeft + Util.DOM.width(cacheImageEl), imageBottom = imageTop + Util.DOM.height(cacheImageEl); if (e.point.x < imageLeft){ e.point.x = imageLeft; } else if (e.point.x > imageRight){ e.point.x = imageRight; } if (e.point.y < imageTop){ e.point.y = imageTop; } else if (e.point.y > imageBottom){ e.point.y = imageBottom; } this.createZoomPanRotate(); if (this.isZoomActive()){ this.zoomPanRotate.zoomAndPanToPoint(this.settings.doubleTapZoomLevel, e.point); } break; case Util.TouchElement.ActionTypes.gestureStart: this.createZoomPanRotate(); break; } }, { type: PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onTouch, target: this, point: e.point, action: e.action }); }, /* * Function: onCarouselSlideByEnd */ onCarouselSlideByEnd: function(e){ this.currentIndex = e.cacheIndex; if (!Util.isNothing(this.toolbar)){ this.toolbar.setCaption(this.currentIndex); this.toolbar.setToolbarStatus(this.currentIndex); }, { type: PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onDisplayImage, target: this, action: e.action, index: e.cacheIndex }); }, /* * Function: onToolbarTap */ onToolbarTap: function(e){ switch(e.action){ case; break; case Toolbar.ToolbarAction.previous: this.previous(); break; case Toolbar.ToolbarAction.close: this.hide(); break; case; break; }, { type: PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onToolbarTap, target: this, toolbarAction: e.action, tapTarget: e.tapTarget }); }, /* * Function: onMouseWheel */ onMouseWheel: function(e){ var delta = Util.Events.getWheelDelta(e), dt = e.timeStamp - (this.mouseWheelStartTime || 0); if (dt < this.settings.mouseWheelSpeed) { return; } this.mouseWheelStartTime = e.timeStamp; if (this.settings.invertMouseWheel){ delta = delta * -1; } if (delta < 0){; } else if (delta > 0){ this.previous(); } }, /* * Function: onCarouselSlideshowStart */ onCarouselSlideshowStart: function(e){, { type: PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onSlideshowStart, target: this }); }, /* * Function: onCarouselSlideshowStop */ onCarouselSlideshowStop: function(e){, { type: PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onSlideshowStop, target: this }); }, /* * Function: onToolbarBeforeShow */ onToolbarBeforeShow: function(e){, { type: PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onBeforeCaptionAndToolbarShow, target: this }); }, /* * Function: onToolbarShow */ onToolbarShow: function(e){, { type: PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onCaptionAndToolbarShow, target: this }); }, /* * Function: onToolbarBeforeHide */ onToolbarBeforeHide: function(e){, { type: PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onBeforeCaptionAndToolbarHide, target: this }); }, /* * Function: onToolbarHide */ onToolbarHide: function(e){, { type: PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onCaptionAndToolbarHide, target: this }); }, /* * Function: onZoomPanRotateTransform */ onZoomPanRotateTransform: function(e){, { target: this, type: PhotoSwipe.EventTypes.onZoomPanRotateTransform, scale: e.scale, rotation: e.rotation, rotationDegs: e.rotationDegs, translateX: e.translateX, translateY: e.translateY }); } }); } ( window, window.klass, window.Code.Util, window.Code.PhotoSwipe.Cache, window.Code.PhotoSwipe.DocumentOverlay, window.Code.PhotoSwipe.Carousel, window.Code.PhotoSwipe.Toolbar, window.Code.PhotoSwipe.UILayer, window.Code.PhotoSwipe.ZoomPanRotate ));

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