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We're all in this together, and together we shall emerge HEALTHY and VICTORIOUS!

Our beloved professional Karaoke hosting industry has always been, and will always remain prosperous and rewarding. A source of fun, laughter and enjoyment to so many, while providing venue owners an affordable and hugely effective means of drawing countless, well paying patrons into their establishments.
Please be assured that as soon as allowed to reopen, venue owners and managers will be eagerly looking for ways to once again fill their establishments, and Karaoke entertainment may be just the ticket. Be ready to address and profit from the need! And in doing our part to help, we're temporarily slashing our prices an unprecedented 20% across the board. So don't wait, get prepared now and SAVE!

This unprecedented, once in our company's history, money saving opportunity may end at any time, SO ACT NOW!

*Subscription based services and already discounted software products excluded. This offer may end at any time without notice.




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Quick Overview



Leave paper slips behind!

Designed to Seamlessly Integrate with CompuHost Karaoke Hosting Solution Utilizes Drag & Drop Technology for Fast, Convenient Song Request Management Offers BOTH Keyboard and Touchscreen (Onscreen Keyboard) Interfaces! Includes an Innovative "Remote Attendant" that when activated, Automates the ENTIRE Remote Request Submission Process! Optional User Account/Profile Control with the ability to Export your Performer Info (Email etc.) Access from Mobile Devices (SmartPhones) supported through Mobile Web Browsers! Enable/Disable Remote Requests with EASE! Full Help System and Documentation Included AND MORE!

This Add-On REQUIRES CompuHost V3, V2 or CompuHost V1 (Revision v.1.88.00 or newer)!
CompuHost MINOR Revisions offered FREE to all registered users of the applicable MAJOR version.
Click here for CompuHost Revision and Download Information.

Feature List

Designed to Seamlessly Integrate with CompuHost Karaoke Hosting Solution
Utilizes Drag & Drop Technology for Fast, Convenient Song Request Management
Offers BOTH Keyboard and Touchscreen (Onscreen Keyboard) Interfaces!
Includes an Innovative "Remote Attendant" that when activated, Automates the ENTIRE Remote Request Submission Process!
Optional User Account/Profile Control with the ability to Export your Performer Info (Email etc.)
Access from Mobile Devices (SmartPhones) supported through Mobile Web Browsers!
Enable/Disable Remote Requests with EASE!
Full Help System and Documentation Included

Karaoke Kiosk - Client Computer (KIOSK) Based Song Search and Request Submission Addon
Free Download!

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